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三种姬鼠的染色体比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用染色体分带技术(G-,C-带和银染色),对中华姬鼠(Apodemusdraco)、大林姬鼠(A.peninsulae)和大耳姬鼠(A.latronum)的核型进行了观察分析。结果表明:3种姬鼠的2n均为48。中华姬鼠的染色体均为端着丝点染色体。大林姬鼠的常规核型中,除1对中着丝点染色体(No.23)外,其余均为端着丝点染色体。大耳姬鼠的核型中,有13对端着丝点染色体,2对亚端着丝点染色体,1对亚中着丝点染色体和7对中着丝点染色体。中华姬鼠C-带核型中,所有染色体着丝点C-带都呈强阳性,异染色质非常丰富,Y染色体整条深染。在大林姬鼠C-带核型中,Nos.7,11,15,21,22着丝点C-带弱化甚至近阴性,其余染色体着丝点异染色质C-带都呈现程度不同的阳性。且Nos.2,4,7有强弱不同的端位异染色质带。X染色体着丝点区有大块的异染色质斑带出现,Y染色体整条深染。大耳姬鼠除Nos.3,4,10,12,13染色体着丝点C-带很弱外,其余染色体着丝点C-带均呈阳性,并有8对(Nos.16-23)染色体出现异染色质短臂。从总体上看,大林姬鼠和大耳姬鼠的着丝点异染色质明显比中华姬鼠的少。中华姬鼠的Ag-NOR  相似文献   
Radiotelemetry was used to measure the range areas, activity patterns and time budgets of 21 adult male wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) between May 1991 and August 1992. The study investigated variation in range, total distance travelled, speed of movement and time budgets between wood mice in the nonbreeding and breeding seasons in a deciduous woodland (n = 8 and 6 respectively). We also examined habitat differences by estimating these same parameters for wood mice inhabiting maritime sand-dunes in the breeding season (n = 7). Insufficient males of an appropriate mass for radiotracking were captured to study the sand-dune mice in the nonbreeding season. Significant variation was found across both season and site. In the breeding season, in woodland, range areas were 5 times larger than during the nonbreeding season. Wood mice on the sand-dunes exploited ranges 28 times greater than their woodland counterparts. The pattern of variation in range area was parallelled by significant differences in total distances and average speeds travelled per night. Diurnal activity, c. 60 min day−1, was frequently recorded, at both sites, but only, in the breeding season, which was attributed to the need to forage in order to maintain energy balance. The comparatively lower availability of food on the sand-dunes was considered the main factor explaining the greater range area, total distance moved, speed travelled and level of activity of animals at this site. Received: 11 September 1995 /Accepted: 12 August 1996  相似文献   
Karyotyping and several molecular methods have allowed successful identification of two morphologically similar wide-ranging Western Palearctic species, the yellow-necked field mouse Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1934) and the long-tailed wood mouse A. sylvaticus (Linnaeus, 1758), but reliable species diagnosis on the basis of morphometric characters is particularly problematic. Although they are easily morphologically distinguishable in Central and Northern Europe, this is not the case in southern parts of their distribution areas. Despite that, we have successfully discriminated A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus from Serbia (Southern Europe) using geometric and traditional morphometric methods on a data set for ventral crania of specimens previously genotyped by the Inter Simple Sequence Repeat-PCR (ISSR-PCR). Discrimination power of applied approaches was more or less similar. The majority of our results were consistent with those obtained for specimens collected across the Czech Republic (Central Europe). Morphological differences observed herein, as well as those already reported between A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus from the central and northern parts of their distribution areas, could be the outcome of their biology, i.e. ecological discrepancies, different assumed evolutionary scenarios considering biogeography, phylogeny, history and ontogeny.  相似文献   
汉坦病毒(Hantavirus,HV)是肾综合症出血热(Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome,HFRS)的主要病原体之一,HV的主要宿主动物为黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius).针对西安市HFRS的持续高发病率,2010年7月-9月对西安市HFRS 疫区捕获的110只黑线姬鼠(阳性62只)进行年龄、性别鉴定.通过病毒RNA提取分析,发现黑线姬鼠雌雄个体携带病毒无显著差异,但是不同年龄段黑线姬鼠携带汉坦病毒却具有显著差异,年龄结构与病毒携带具有极显著的相关性.  相似文献   
四川地震灾区灾后一年农村小兽监测报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了了解四川汶川5.12大地震后灾区害鼠的种群数量变化和群落演替,预防鼠传疫病的发生,指导灾后的媒介生物控制和鼠源疫病防控。从2008年6月至2009年6月,每月对重灾区的都江堰、彭州、什邡、绵竹、北川和汶川6地灾区进行1次小兽(鼠情)监测。选择农田和村庄2种主要生境,采用夹日法进行调查。其中农田生境的捕获率达7.35%,主要捕获到啮齿目(Rodentia)和食虫目(Insectivora)两类,其中啮齿目为1.49%,食虫目鼩鼱科(Soricidae)为5.86%。捕获的种类有褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)、大足鼠(Rattus nitidus)、黄胸鼠(Rattus tanezumi)、小家鼠(Mus musculus)、黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarias)、巢鼠(Micromys minutus)、针毛鼠(Niviventer fulvescens)、四川短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)与臭鼩(Suncus Murinus)。村庄区域的捕获率为12.50%,主要捕获的亦是食虫目鼩鼱科的四川短尾鼩,高达10.02%,啮齿目的捕获率为2.48%。捕获的种类有褐家鼠、黄胸鼠、小家鼠和四川短尾鼩。结果表明,经过灾后的各种控制措施,鼠害得到有效的控制,啮齿目种类的捕获率基本低于3%。但食虫目鼩鼱科的捕获率较高,特别是都江堰、彭州、什邡、绵竹四地的四川短尾鼩种群数量高于已有报道的同期水平,并维持较高的繁殖力,且大量进入房舍区域。另外,黑线姬鼠的繁殖率也不低。需密切关注四川短尾鼩和黑线姬鼠种群动态趋势。据以往类似研究结果,结合初步调查数据和从控制鼠传疾病的角度考虑,灾区鼠情的监测要有中长期的思想准备,至少持续3a以上时间。  相似文献   
Rodent population dynamics are predicted to respond positively to the masting of acorns, but diverging results have been published. This study tested the hypothesis that population responses to acorn masting vary depending on differences in the tolerance to tannins of different rodent species. The effects of acorn abundance on the rodent population densities were analyzed using a dataset obtained in Hokkaido, Japan. Specifically, population fluctuations of three rodent species (Apodemus speciosus, A. argenteus, and Myodes rufocanus) and the abundance of Quercus crispula acorns have been monitored since 1992. Acorn production in previous years had a positive effect on the annual population growth rates of A. speciosus; however, this trend was not clear in the other two species. Tannin tolerance, assessed by body weight changes in an acorn feeding experiment, exhibited clear differences among the rodent species; namely, the body weight of A. speciosus increased, whereas that of the other two species decreased. The observed responses to acorn masting of populations of the three sympatric rodent species reflected tannin tolerance. It suggests that only populations of species with high tannin tolerance positively respond to acorn masting. Previous studies tend to overlook species-specific abilities of coping with tannins in acorns. Our results emphasize the necessity of evaluating the tannin tolerance of rodents and the tannin content of acorns to understand how rodent population dynamics and acorn production are related.  相似文献   
中华姬鼠巢区的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
中华姬鼠是亚热带山地常绿阔叶林内的优势种。本文报道了用标志重捕流放法,研究该鼠不同个体的巢区大小、相互关系以及在样地上的分布等一些生态学资料。  相似文献   
本文报道湖南省的农业鼠害防治技术,内容包括农业鼠害、鼠种组成、鼠害类型、鼠类生态等生物学特性,为大面积全生境灭鼠提供综合性的防治技术措施。  相似文献   
黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)是我国广大农区的重要野栖害鼠,有关该鼠的种群数量预测预报国内外研究甚少。本文以江西省安义县的黑线姬鼠为例,应用逐步回归分析法对影响该鼠种群数量变动的因素进行筛选,探讨建立鼠类种群数量预测模型,经回报和试报检验,效果尚好,兹报道如下。 影响黑线姬鼠种群数量变动的因素比较多,我们以鼠类生物学和生态学为基础,结合前人的研究结果,初选出16个入选因子,然后将这些因子输入计算机进行筛选。这16个入选因子是:X_1:怀孕率;X_2:平均胎仔数;X_3:繁殖指数;X_4:成体性比;X_5:总性比;X_6:雄性成体百分比;X_7:雌性成体百分比;X_8:雄性成老体百分比;X_9:雌性成老体百分比;X_10:雄性成老体比;X_11:雌性成老体比;X_12:总成老体比;X_13:雌性成体比;X_14:总成体比;X_15:月平均气温;X_16:月降雨量。  相似文献   
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